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Hello Bluebirds Blog
Reflections on 2023, and A New Year
Some reflections on 2023 covering the farm animals, fiber, gardens, art, and introducing a new recipe page.
2022 from the Rearview
A look at 2022 from the rearview mirror. Happenings on the farm, learnings, and joys.
New Year, New Release!
New release! Read about our new book, “Words from My Heart: Inspirational Poems and Journal” covering the poetry, art, creators, and how it came to be in this brief blog post.
A Season of Thanks
Hello Bluebirds author, illustrator, founder Jacqueline Bance shares what she is grateful for in this season of thanks.
Back to School Nature Walk
With kids back to school and summer transitioning to fall, we explore the outdoors with an experiential learning adventure. Join Jacqueline on a virtual misty morning nature walk where we make all kinds of discoveries.
From Blossoms to Beehives
Introducing the children’s book “From Blossoms to Beehives” with a special note from the author and illustrator Jacqueline Bance on the inspiration for the story.
Hello Bluebirds!
A little note from our founder, Jacqueline Bance, as Hello Bluebirds launches from the nest.